Comment with Disqus

Disqus website

Introduction to Disqus

How to Add Disqus to Blogger (in 9 steps)

  1. Go to Disqus website ( and create an account.
  2. Click on "Dashboard".
  3. Click on "+Add".
  4. Go to Blogger website (, choose the blog that you want to add Disqus comment service to and copy its URL.
  5. Paste the blog's URL into space for "Site URL", type in a "Site Name" and "Site Shortname" and click on "Continue".
  6. Click on the "Blogger" icon.
  7. Click on the button next to "1".
  8. Select the correct blog to add Disqus to and click on "Add Widget".
  9. The Disqus comment service should be added to your blog, after every post.

How to Use Disqus

Note: If the Disqus system doesn't load on your current browser, please switch to Google Chrome.